35 Icebreakers Perfect for Virtual and Hybrid Meetings

Keep Up The Balloons is a hilarious icebreaker that’s perfect for small to medium-sized groups. Mingle with your colleagues while trying to guess which celebrity’s name is written on your forehead. The atmosphere at the start of most meetings, icebreakers for virtual meetings put simply, isn’t great. Ask everyone to describe their childhood selves in three words. The words may come from specific memories they want to share with the team. As your group story continues, it will get more ridiculous and laughable.

quick ice breakers for virtual meetings

They can set the pricing and have one minute to present a sales pitch and one minute to respond to queries. How would you set up a business or service using the three (random) Think Links cards shown below. Riddles and brain teasers are a relatively easy and effective way to get the mental cogs up and running. Ask your team members to recommend an underrated TV show, movie, or documentary that they believe everyone should see at least once in their lives.

Tips on Doing Virtual Icebreakers Right

It definitely is the easiest and quickest Zoom icebreaker out there. So, at the start of your Zoom meetings, take a minute to discuss your major fails and invite your remote team members to share theirs. It’s certain to make everyone chuckle due to having the shared experience of acting like total fools.

  • You need to escape the office and head somewhere new—somewhere inspiring.
  • You can modify this exercise by encouraging anonymous posting and having the group guess who each photo belongs to, or ask the group to share around a particular theme.
  • It’s a great way for team members to get to know each other better and break from the monotony of the daily grind.
  • If you want to know more about your team’s performance and feelings in the past few days, an original way of doing it is through this question.
  • With access to those spaces and that infrastructure, your virtual icebreakers will go off without a hitch and bring your distributed team closer than ever before.

When kicking off a virtual meeting, we have additional work to do in order to position the session for success. When working remotely, our attention is often split between windows, laundry and what meeting is coming after this. Connection is harder in a virtual environment where it’s more challenging to fully engage with others or easily read body language. Zoo Line-up is one of the most creative icebreaker ideas for Zoom meetings. To play this game, each participant shares three sentences about themselves. The lead player may twist or omit a detail of a true story to make that one sentence untrue or can completely fabricate a fact.

Icebreaker #18: Quiz Time

For more ideas on icebreaker Bingos, try this icebreaker Bingo generator. Have everyone introduce themselves and then pick out one aspect of their workspace that is important to them. It’s hard to predict, but this one could get interesting, so our advice is to use only with established teams. Yes, my family called me Sasa because my little sisters couldn’t say “Vanessa.” And I lived in China during college. This icebreaker is a great way to get to know each other, and to have some laughs along the way. In small groups, you can use great questions to get people to open up.

There are many online team-building platforms for remote teams. Plus, many team-oriented and collaboration companies offer ice-breaking questions, games, and activities https://remotemode.net/ that you can use for your virtual meetings. Connecting while remaining physically apart can be difficult, so adding a few virtual icebreaker activities is a must!

Icebreaker #1: Show and Tell

Alternatively, you, as the host of the meeting, could display the emoji songs and challenge the team to work together to guess the title. As everyone is joining the meeting, create a competition bracket (like one you’d use for the college basketball playoffs) with attendees assigned randomly to one side or the other. If none of these questions seem right, generate a list of your own or search online for other options. Learn how to transform your difficult relationship.I’ll show you my science-based approach to building a strong, productive relationship with even the most difficult people. Using a personality quiz based on the five big characteristic traits will help everyone get to know each other.

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